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Becoming Zesty Podcast

Nov 18, 2020

Megan  first got a SaunaSpace sauna because of mold toxicity but what she didn’t know was all the myriad of other benefits that she was going to receive.

In today’s interview on the 4 Phase Cycle Podcast with Brian, the founder of SaunaSpace we cover:


  1. Benefits of Infrared sauna for health, immune support & hormone balance
  2. Far vs near infrared technology - what is best and what is the difference?
  3. EMF considerations when purchasing a sauna
  4. How Saunaspace is designed for a whole ancestral experience
  5. How to use the Photon, their portable incandescent light & heat bulb. 

Check out the instagram post today for the giveaway mechanics!



Follow them in IG: @saunaspace


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